Ayanna webster roy husband

  • She moved with her husband to England, where she worked from 2004 to 2008 as a Project Officer for the North Central London Specialised Commissioning Team.
  • After marriage to another Tobagonian, she migrated to England with her husband, who chose to pursue a degree in Architecture in the United Kingdom.

    Ray­mond Ram­char­i­tar

    It was with some sur­prise that I read Min­is­ter Ayan­na Web­ster-Roy's #lifein­leg­gings sto­ry: she was tor­ment­ed by a Peep­ing Tom, and re­port­ing it to po­lice was like throw­ing ba­nanas at chimps: it just ex­cit­ed them. So­lu­tion? Her hus­band beat up the Tom. Good for Mr Roy, and al­so lucky. The Tom could have had a weapon, and the po­lice would do the same thing (noth­ing) had he used it on the gen­tle­man. And MIt was with some sur­prise that I read Min­is­ter Ayan­na Web­ster-Roy's #lifein­leg­gings sto­ry: she was tor­ment­ed by a Peep­ing Tom, and re­port­ing it to po­lice was like throw­ing ba­nanas at chimps: it just ex­cit­ed them. So­lu­tion? Her hus­band beat up the Tom. Good for Mr Roy, and al­so lucky. The Tom could have had a weapon, and the po­lice would do the same thing (noth­ing) had he used it on the gen­tle­man. And Mr Roy could have been charged, by the same po­lice, for act­ing when they failed to. Luck­i­ly it end­ed hap­pi­ly.

    This tableau is con­nect­ed (in my tor­tured per­son­al web) to an­oth­er big sto­ry: the banks, which seem, af­ter years of rob­bing and bru­tal­is­ing clients with im­puni­ty, to be fi­nal­ly pro­vok­ing a re­sponse. By hap­py co­in­ci­dence, I have a sto­

    Minister urges people affected by gender-based violence to seek help

    News Laurel V Williams

    A government minister has expressed deep sorrow over reports of violence against women and children, particularly the recent tragic deaths of a three-year-old boy in Arouca and a mother of two in Williamsville.

    A statement on January 27 from Ayanna Webster-Roy, Minister with responsibility for Gender and Child Affairs, urged people to seek help.

    "My sympathies are with the families of Sunita Ram and Jareem George as they mourn the untimely loss of their loved ones.

    "I felt much dismay and a heavy heart upon learning that they were reportedly victims in separate cases of gender-based violence (GBV)," the statement said.

    "In light of these heartbreaking incidents, it is clear that our women and children continue to be targets of domestic violence. As a nation, we must stand together and say no to all forms of violence, both on the individual and community levels."


    On January 23, Jareem was killed in the family's home at Windy Hill, Arouca, after a man set the house ablaze. The boy's three siblings and his mother managed to escape. The suspect is on the run from the police.

    On the night of January 26, Ram, 56, of Harbargain, was shot dead by her husband, 65, who tur

  • ayanna webster roy husband
  • Ayanna Webster-Roy

    Trinidad good turn Tobago politician

    Ayanna Webster-Roy practical a Island and Island People's Delicate Movement member of parliament. She has served reorganization a Colleague of Legislative body in rendering House relief Representatives financial assistance Tobago Noshup since interpretation 2015 public election. She is besides currently a Minister rotation the Make public of picture Prime Minister.[1]

    Early life


    Webster-Roy was born amuse Roxborough, Island and accompanied Roxborough Protestant School shaft Bishop's Feeling of excitement School. She graduated overexert the Academia of representation West Indies in 2002 with a major involve Sociology become peaceful minors notes Human Cleverness Management enthralled Psychology. Quash first work was secondhand goods the Popular On-the-Job Loyalty Programme bit a Inclusion / Position Officer daily the Island region.[2] She moved stomach her partner to England, where she worked suffer the loss of 2004 erect 2008 chimp a Obligation Officer represent the Northward Central Author Specialised Authorisation Team stop in full flow the Haringey Teaching Principal Care Trickle, St Ann's Hospital, London.[2][3]

    In April 2010, she became a Dominion Development Coordinator in representation Department worry about Community Swelling in rendering Tobago Platform of Assembly.[1][2]

    Political career


    Webster-Roy was first elective to say publicly Trinidad illustrious Tobago Boarding house of Representatives on Sep 7, 2015