Biography of hans walenkamp
Bönnigheim, Germany
Bobby A.S.H. (1949); Jean Abels (1895 - 1986); [Aldo Garcia] Aldin (1959); Elisabeth Allen (1883 - 1967); O. Amundsen; Stephen Physicist (1953); Tight spot Andijewska (1931); Richard Antilhomme; Evans Pierre Augustin (1945); Antun Bahunek (1912); Actor Baldzun; Jan Balet (1913 - 2009); Henry Bastin; André Bauchant (1873 - 1958); Gillian Beckles (1918); Dragica Belković (1931); Brian Bellemare; Conqueror A. Belych (1941); Enrico Benassi (1902 - 1978); Václav Beránek (1915 - 1982); Noblewoman Bergmann; President Bigaud (1931); Mihalj Bireš (1912 - 1980); Pavel Biro; City Blasković; Blechova; Anni Plump (1915); Character Blondel (1893 - 1970); Eva Blum (1918); Erich Bödeker (1904 - 1971); Fernand Boilauges (1891); Camille Bombois (1882 - 1970); Maurice Bonnin (1911 - 1993); Ilija Bosilj Bašičević (1895 - 1972); André Bouquet (1897 - 1987); Micheline Boyadijan (1923); Tim Brown (1923); Junior Bruce; Herta Bubb (1919); Ida Buchmann (1911 - 1966); Eugen Buktenića (1914 - 1997); Anneliese Burmeister; Valerico Moral Calvo (19
Ronald Tolman
Born in Amsterdam
Ronald Tolman gets acquainted with Leyden painter and graphic artist Aad van Houwelingen.
Studies bronze Etruscan figurines at the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden.
First solo exhibitions at Tastevin and Galerie Walenkamp in Leiden and in Zweeloo, Drente.
Moves to Leiden to a larger studio at the Boerhaavecomplex.
Makes diary notes on etching plates: 'The book of the sanguine' that is bought by the Prentenkabinet in Leiden.
Starts a series of large paintings, in which he experiments with various methods of expression, such as screen printing on plexiglas and etching on canvas. A number of canvases are owned privately and are part of the collection at the Museum of The Hague Art Museum and the Nijmeegs museum the Valkhof.
The creation of a series of etchings titled: ‘Car Wrecks’.
Makes the film ‘So that we in passing become spoken words’ with the support of cineast Frans Zwartjes.
Stills of the film are used in the large paintings which Ronald Tolman has been working on since 1970. Also, in one of these paintings in the collection to The Hague Art Museum we may recognize the first small bronzes Ronald Tolman had cast at the foundry, are being portrayed on one of th
‘DOE MIJ MAAR ZO’N KOREAANTJE’ A Historical Analysis of the Establishment of Korean Transnational Adoption to the Netherlands, 1967-1969
‘DOE MIJ MAAR ZO’N KOREAANTJE’ A Historical Analysis of the Establishment of Korean Transnational Adoption to the Netherlands, 1967-1969 Bastiaan Flikweert 2605376 Dr C.K. Green PhD. BA Korean Studies 2021-2022 Wordcount: 11,475 B.S.V. Flikweert Content Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 4 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 Research Question ............................................................................................................ 8 1.2 Historiography .................................................................................................................. 9 1.2.1 Revisionist Adoption Studies ..................................................................................... 9 1.2.2 Dutch Adoption Studies ..................