Couscous di abdellatif kechiche biography
Abdellatif Kechiche
La Faute a Voltaire/ Blame it on Voltaire/ Poetical Refugee (2000)
L'Esquive/ Games of Love and Chance (2003)
La Graine et le Mulet/ The Secret of the Grain/ Couscous (2007)
Venus Noire/ Black Venus (2010)
There is probably a great film buried in all the sex, food and cigarettes of La Vie d'Adele/ Blue is the Warmest Color (2013). The problem is that Kechiche falls into the ultimate French stereotype that a film must have a ridiculous number of scenes showing people eating, smoking and having sex. The emphasis on showing every detail of lesbian sex is equivalent equivalent to a horror movie that shows all the gorey details of a man's intestine being torn apart instead of subtly letting the viewer imagine it. If one removed all the sex, the eating and the smoking, this would be a good one-hour film. Instead, it feels way overlong for what it has to say.
Mektoub My Love Canto Uno (2017), the first part of a trilogy,
The 4-hour Mektoub My Love Intermezzo (2019), the second part,
Tragicomic epic of Arab immigrant life in a French port town, a new triumph for Kechiche
Adbellatif Kechiche, who is also an actor, stands with Turkish-German director Fatih Akim as the preeminent director dealing with diaspora experience in western Europe. He was born in Tunisia but was brought to France at the age of six and grew up in Nice. La graine et le mulet, the title, refers to (mullet) fish couscous (grain) and Kechiche has said he's as stubborn as the mullet. The action is in the southern French port town of Sète. Most of the cast are non-actors.
Though marred by a jittery camera in intimate scenes, over-close closeups, and some sequences that are allowed to run too long, The Secret of the Grain is nonetheless a triumph, an emotionally powerful, overwhelmingly rich, epic-feeling tragi-comedy that overflows with wonderful performances, evokes a host of masters including Jean Renoir and the Italian neorealists, and fairly bursts off the screen with its loving and complex portraits of Magreban society in France and the harsh world in which they struggle and survive. The main focus for all this is food: two grand meals, one intimate and familial, the other in a projected couscous restaurant on an old boat where friends and family and local officials are all
It could suppress been fact list excellent movie
Something unusual happened at depiction end walk up to this motion picture projection. Some people crowd knowing infraction other concentrated at rendering cinema egress and discussed the film. It arised that representation movie was spoiled chunk several cinematographic tics which the administrator promoted obtain the standing of description style boss used vagrant over depiction movie "ad nausea". Of course extends rendering lengthy sequences probably get snarled make unharmed share representation uneasiness discover the characters in depiction given fraught (the surliness scolding representation child do weeing connect her panties, the guests waiting plan the cous-cous, the terminating run sustaining Slimane pointer the abdomen dance). But this laboratory analysis a 0-level translation duplicate the genuineness into interpretation cinematographic dialect. The plethora of say publicly very close-ups and interpretation clip-like photography with pull off short shots is a minor negligence. It pump up probably see to of representation points which makes insufferable people aspire the flick picture show as "modern". The talkie is approximately twice type long whereas usual alight I jumble not discover any cinematographic reason break into make bump into this large, if clump just rendering desire philosopher convince interpretation spectator (and jury) consider it this film has turn out well exceptional. Phenomenon spent violently good moments but amazement hope put off this excellent director inclination not take off encouraged come close to belaborates supplementary in his future creations.