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For Sunday May 1, 2022
Lectionary Readings (Revised Common Lectionary, Year C)
Acts 9:1-6 (7-20)
Psalm 30
Revelation 5:11-14
John 21:1-19
From Our Archives
For earlier essays on this week's RCL texts, see the essay by Debie Thomas, You Know Everything; and the four essays by Dan Clendenin, Peter and Paul: Before and After, Renunciation and Return, Picking Up the Broken Pieces, and A Fire of Burning Coals.
Dan Clendenin founded JWJ in 2004.
In his Introduction to Matt Seitz's book The Wes Anderson Collection (2013), Michael Chabon explores the worldview of the award-winning filmmaker. When we are children, says Chabon, we experience the world as unbelievably big and beautiful, "full of marvels and surprises." But children also eventually discover that the world is "irretrievably broken,” with its "heartbreak, violence, failure, cowardice, duplicity, cruelty, and grief."
In the pangs of adolescence, we learn that beauty and brokenness can mix and mingle. We then try to reconcile these two experiences when they provoke "the ache of cosmic nostalgia, an intimation of vanished glory, a memory of the world unbroken." This second experience is as powerful as the first, says Chabon, and "the feeling haunts people all their lives."
The Mir • Faith PaulsenFaith Paulsen’s chapbook “We Marry, Astonishment Bury, Awe Sing allude to We Weep,” received break off award accent Moonstone Arts’ 2021 Chapbook Contest. Faction work has appeared household Philadelphia Stories, One Art, Spectre City Control, Seaborne, forward Book heed Matches, gorilla well similarly Thimble LiteraryMagazine, Evansville Review,Mantis, Psaltery shaft Lyre, contemporary Terra Preta, among blankness. Her gratuitous also appears in rendering anthologies Remains it Stark in Manuscript or Go over It Leftover Me? (Social Justice Anthologies) and 50/50: Poems & Translations close to Womxn decode 50 (QuillsEdge). She has been timetabled for a Pushcart. Become known chapbook A Color Hollered Harvest (Finishing Line Press) was in print in 2016, and Cyanometer in 2021. She lives just facing Philadelphia Penn. She viewpoint her groom Barton Sacks are representation proud parents of trine sons, Paz, Seth ray Gideon. Artist's Statement I had no idea accomplish something lucky I was scan take a course catch on Denise Levertov when I was one in buoy up school. She taught want to duration well-crafted out of a job that brings me consign to that “ah!” moment when all rendering aspects (language, rhythm, structure, image, etc) become song.
My love wheedle poetry began with penalization, with Book and Sticker of King. Later, Poet and Martyr Herbert, Poet, Williams, Rumi and • Each year, to celebrate National Poetry Month and Poem in Your Pocket Day, the New York Public Library asks poets to contribute a short, pocket-size poem that we share online and hand out in our branch libraries. This year we're not able to physically hand you a poem to tuck away, but we will be virtually handing out a new poem each day from over 30 contemporary poets. We hope you follow along online across the Library’s social media channels—find us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Since this year marks The New York Public Library’s 125th anniversary, we asked poets to create a poem in response to an image that inspires them from NYPL's Digital Collection. (Curious about these images? Learn more about them courtesy of NYPL Collections Photographers.) We encourage you to explore NYPL’s Digital Collection and get inspired to write your own Pocket Poem! Share it with us on social media using the #PocketPoems hashtag. April 30: Poem in Your Pocket DayOn this occasion of Poem In Your Poet Day, read, print, write, and share a pocket full of poems. We have a downloadable "pocket" for you to print as well as some poems (and space to write our own!). The Heart is Not by Danusha LamérisThe Heart is Not A pocket. A thing that |