Eugene terre blanche biography of abraham

  • Eugene Ney Terre'Blanche was born in Ventersdorp on 31 January 1944.
  • Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugene Terre'Blanche on Thursday sent an affidavit to the TRC's amnesty committee hearing for AWB bombers.
  • The O'Malley Archives is the product of almost two decades of research and includes analyses, chronologies, historical documents.
  • Terre'Blanche, Eugene

    Click here for list of interviews

    Eugene Ney Terre'Blanche was born in Ventersdorp on 31 January 1944. He matriculated from the Hoervolkskool in 1963.

    He joined the police force, became a warrant officer, then left to begin farming. He became active in the Herstigte Nasionale Party and stood, unsuccessfully, in Heidelberg as a parliamentary and provincial candidate. Terre'Blanche decided that the Westminster political system had serious shortcomings and that a Blanke Volkstaat, based on the system that existed at the time of the Boer Republics, was the only salvation for whites in South Africa. In 1973 he launched the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging (Afrikaner Resistance Movement - AWB), which aimed to achieve white security and reunification of the Afrikaner volk through a resistance and freedom movement and the creation of a partyless Volkstaat.

    In December 1982 police uncovered arms caches in a swoop on AWB members. In July 1983, he and three associates were charged with terrorism. They were accused of possessing arms, ammunition and explosives. In October 1983, Terre'Blanche was found guilty and sentenced to two year's imprisonment, suspended for five years.

    Terre'Blanche was a member of the Afrikaner Volkswag, a conservative Afrikaner cultural so

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    JOHANNESBURG June 18 1998 - SAPA


    Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging leader Eugene Terre'Blanche on Thursday sent an affidavit to the TRC's amnesty committee hearing for AWB bombers, accepting political and moral responsibility for "the acts that have been committed".

    Terre'Blanche said in his statement that Freedom Front leader General Constand Viljoen said at Afrikaner Volksfront executive council meetings that if negotiations for a volkstaat failed there should be war.

    Terre'Blanche conveyed this to the AWB's officers. "General" Viljoen, assisted by certain "generals", conveyed this stance to the majority of AWB members at meetings countrywide.

    "As political head of the AWB I accept political and moral responsibility for the acts that have been committed," Terre'Blanche told the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

    "I also accept that during the tumultuous times before the elections I delivered many public speeches and that AWB members could have interpreted their content as orders."

    On Thursday amnesty applicant Abraham Fourie, 46, told the TRC committee, chaired by Judge Ronald Pillay, that his pursuit of the volkstaat ideal led to the collapse of his family life and to financial ruin.

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  • eugene terre blanche biography of abraham