Gertrude himmelfarb biography

  • Biography.
  • Gertrude Himmelfarb, also known as Bea Kristol, was an American historian.
  • Gertrude Himmelfarb was born in Brooklyn, New York, on August 8, 1922, the second child of Bertha and glassware manufacturer Max Himmelfarb.
  • Gertrude Himmelfarb (1922-2019) was a distinguished author and social critic who specialized in the intellectual history of the Victorian era. Her sixteen books—published between the ages of 30 and 95—ranged in genre from biography to historiography to essay to polemic. Among her many subjects were Charles Darwin, John Stuart Mill, Edmund Burke, George Eliot, Adam Smith, Albert Einstein, the Enlightenment, postmodernism, philosemitism, and Methodism. The critic John Gross called Himmelfarb “one of the most gifted and trenchant observers of the Victorian scene.” The sociologist Robert Nisbet said she was “by wide ascent the foremost historian today on Victorian ideas and values.” Even her critics, such as political theorist Alan Ryan, conceded that Himmelfarb’s output and range was “astonishing.”

    The Victorians and Victorian Virtue

    The Victorian era seemed a chamber of horrors—aesthetic, intellectual, and otherwise—when Himmelfarb published Lord Acton: A Study of Conscience and Politics in 1952. Such, at least, was the picture painted by Lytton Strachey in Eminent Victorians (1918), which looked on the nineteenth century as an interruption in the great path of the Enlightenment, a diversion sandwiched between the philosophes of the eighteenth century and the Freud

    I just heard some devastating news. Gertrude Himmelfarb, historian, moralist, wife, and mother, has passed. David Brooks has written a touching obituary detailing the life and legacy of this fascinating woman:

    Economists measure economic change and journalists describe political change, but who captures moral change? Who captures the shifts in manners, values, and mores, how each era defines what is admirable and what is disgraceful? Gertrude Himmelfarb, who died at 97 last night, made this her central concern. She was a physician for the national soul.


    Himmelfarb was born in 1922 and grew up with her parents and brother in a one-bedroom apartment in Bensonhurst, Brooklyn. Her parents immigrated from Russia and spoke Yiddish at home. Her father cut glass and sold engraved saucers and jars to department stores, going bankrupt a few times during the Depression. She made it into Brooklyn College, where she amassed enough credits to have majored in history, economics, and philosophy, while taking the subway at night up to the Jewish Theological Seminary and earning a simultaneous degree there. At a Trotskyite gathering, she met her husband, Irving Kristol.


    She went to the University of Chicago for graduate school and was told that she would never get an academi

  • gertrude himmelfarb biography
  • Gertrude Himmelfarb

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