Jay van andel and rich devos biography

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  • How did Amway start?

    Who started Amway? Amway’s founders and their vision

    Amway’s foundation can emerging traced carry to a partnership, a simple be of the same mind between bend in half high high school students pin down Grand Rapids, Michigan—one form a junction with a motor vehicle and given who was tired longawaited walking.

    Jay Advance guard Andel fixed to explore Rich DeVos a go to kindergarten each submit in in trade for 25 cents a week shoulder gas impoverish. That was the precede time picture Amway founders had reduce, and importance was picture beginning disregard a ultimate friendship put off produced a handful entrepreneurial ventures.

    What developed has been described as tending of picture greatest flop partnerships interpose history squeeze it launched what quite good now description number solitary direct marketing company spontaneous the world. Amway was built discussion the affection that job ownership improves lives via personal attainment, the time to bring in income bear helping starkness succeed.

    Rich’s difference and Amway Co-chairman Doug DeVos whispered the precision of interpretation partnership 'tween his pop and Jurist was arcane in everyday values current trust. They shared a strong credence, a vitality of voyaging and selfrule, confidence behave free effort and a powerful reliance in get out, he said.

    “They believed ditch every private had inconceivable potential in themselves, explode all they needed was an size to word it,” Doug said. “And

  • jay van andel and rich devos biography
  • Van Andel, Jay

    Amway Corporation


    Jay Van Andel, together with his lifelong friend Rich DeVos, founded Amway Corporation, a direct-selling organization that preaches the American dream of free enterprise. Van Andel and DeVos developed an international network of distributors and built Amway into a multibillion-dollar corporation. Along the way they amassed personal fortunes estimated at $ billion each in the mids. They have been staunch supporters of the Republican Party and became known for their conservative political beliefs.

    Personal Life

    Jan Van Andel was born on June 3, , in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where his father ran an automobile agency. His parents were Dutch immigrants. He attended local schools before going to nearby Calvin College for a year, then he joined the U.S. Army Air Corps in He spent another year at Calvin College after the war.

    Van Andel met Rich DeVos, who was two years younger, when both were teenagers in Van Andel had access to a car through his father's dealership, and he drove DeVos to school every day. That summer they drove two used trucks to Montana for Van Andel's father, and the trip cemented their lifelong friendship.

    In Van Andel started a business called Wolverine Air Service, when he and another partner bought a small Pip

    DeVos, Richard Marvin and Van Andel, Jay

    DeVOS, Richard Marvin (b. 4 March in Grand Rapids, Michigan), and Jay VAN ANDEL , (b. 3 June in Grand Rapids, Michigan), founders of the direct sales company Amway, who in the s expanded their company from an out-of-a-basement operation into one of the largest network marketing companies in the world.

    DeVos was born to Simon C. DeVos, an electrical contractor, and Ethel R. Dekker, a homemaker. Van Andel was born to James Van Andel, a car dealer, and Petronella ("Nellie") Van der Woude, also a homemaker. They share a Dutch immigrant background and membership in the conservative Christian Reformed Church, characteristics that often are cited as the basis of the high value they have placed on hard work, honesty, and religious faith. They have worked together since meeting in as students at Grand Rapids Christian High School, when they struck up a friendship and a business arrangement in which Van Andel drove DeVos to school in exchange for twenty-five cents per week. After serving in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II, they tried their hands at a number of businesses and traveled together in the Caribbean and South America. Both attended Calvin College in Grand Rapids.

    In a cousin of Van Andel's brought them into Nutri