Jean dominique senard wiki

  • Jean-Dominique Senard (born 7 March 1953) is a French industrialist in the automobile industry.
  • Senard was the first Michelin CEO not related to the Michelin family.
  • French businessman.
  • Jean-Dominique Senard

    French businessman

    Jean-Dominique Senard (born 7 March 1953) is a French industrialist in the automobile industry. On 11 May 2012, he succeeded Michel Rollier as chief executive officer of the Michelin tire company after joining the company as chief financial officer in 2005. Senard is the first Michelin CEO not related to the Michelin family.[1] On 24 January 2019, Renault's Board of Directors elected Senard as the chairman of the company.[2]

    Early life


    Senard is the son of a diplomat who grew up in numerous embassies around the world. His ancestor, Jules-Alexandre-Benjamin Senard (1848–1928) received the title of Hereditary Roman Count.[3] As a child, Jean-Dominique Senard joined the choir known as Les Petits Chanteurs de Sainte-Croix de Neuilly,[4] where he had a classical music training under the direction of Louis Prudhomme Senard. He attended the Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) in Paris where he completed his education with an MA in law, before commencing his ascent through the ranks of France's leading corporates.[5]



    Senard started his career with various financial and operational management jobs at the oil company Total S.A. between 1979 and 1987. In 1987, he joine

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  • jean dominique senard wiki
  • Category:Jean-Dominique Senard

  • Jd-senard.jpg 92 × 119; 5 KB

  • Jean-Dominique Senard at Tokyo Embassy residence (cropped).jpeg 1,751 × 2,160; 1.06 MB

  • Jean-Dominique Senard at Tokyo Embassy residence.jpeg 4,032 × 3,024; 3 MB

  • Jean-Dominique Senard, 2015 (cropped).jpg 2,381 × 3,366; 1.76 MB

  • Jean-Dominique Senard.jpg 3,447 × 5,171; 3.66 MB

  • Laureat-2014.jpg 400 × 272; 50 KB

  • Senardjd.JPG 92 × 119; 3 KB