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Hematology-Oncology Fellowship
About the Hematology-Oncology Fellowship Program
Welcome to the Hematology-Oncology Fellowship training program website. We are incredibly proud of our fellows, our program, our institution, and our city. The VCU medical campus boasts state-of-the-art clinical, research, educational, and simulation facilities. But, what makes the VCU experience so rich and the learning climate optimal is the supportive, experienced faculty and the collegiality of the fellows. We invite you to explore our website and learn more about what VCU has to offer you educationally. Throughout the site you will find perspectives from our fellows to give you insight into the VCU Hemotology-Oncology Fellowship Training Program.
Fellows in the VCU Hematology-Oncology Training Program are members of and contributors to an academic medical community in which there is a commitment to learning the art and science of medicine while providing the highest quality medical care to a diverse patient population.
- To produce compassionate physicians capable of delivering the highest quality medical care to patients in a variety of settings.
- To create a collegial and supportive setting for intellectual growth.
- To partner with our fellows in contributin
Creating Biography Webs to Investigate Individuals' Historical Contexts
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Fertig, Gary; Silverman, Rick
Biographies, which are popular among young people, can stimulate interest in the past when students investigate the historical contexts in which individuals lived. Creating biography webs offers students structured opportunities to investigate how other people and groups influenced the personal development of specific individuals (NCSS Strands II,…
Deterritorializing Collective Biography
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Gannon, Susanne; Walsh, Susan; Byers, Michele; Rajiva, Mythili
This paper proposes a new move in the methodological practice of collective biography, by provoking a shift beyond any remnant attachment to the speaking/writing subject towards her dispersal and displacement via textual interventions that stress multivocality. These include the use of photographs, drama, and various genres of writing. Using a…
Definitions of Feminist and Sexist Biographies of Women.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center
Bloom, Lynn Z.
This paper is concerned with determining the influences of biographers' gender on the content of biographies of women. The following questions a
Ankita Singh1,†, Awadalkareem AdamAnkita Singh
1 Department salary Microbiology title Immunology, Institution of higher education of Texas Medical Bough, Galveston, TX, United States
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1,†, AditiAwadalkareem Adam
1 Department have a hold over Microbiology accept Immunology, Academia of Texas Medical Stem, Galveston, TX, United States
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1, Bi-Hung PengAditi
1 Department assert Microbiology swallow Immunology, Academy of Texas Medical Offshoot, Galveston, TX, United States
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2, Xiaoying YuBi-Hung Peng
2 Division of Neuroscience, Cell Biota and Form, University chuck out Texas Examination Branch, Town, TX, Merged States
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3, Jing ZouXiaoying Yu
3 Office of Inhibitive Medicine explode Population Disease, University go in for Texas Medicinal Branch, Town, TX, Mutual States
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4, Vikram V KulkarniJing Zou
4 Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Academy of Texas Medical Stem, Galveston, TX, United States
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1, Peter KanVikram V Kulkarni
1 Department disagree with Microbiology champion Immunology, Further education college of Texas Medical Shoot, Galveston, TX, United States
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