John steinbeck biography powerpoint rubric

  • John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men PowerPoint Notes provide background information on Steinbeck, the context of the Great Depression and migrant workers.
  • This resource provides teachers with a short biography of novelist John Steinbeck, the author of Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath, among other works.
  • This 28-slide PowerPoint introduces the writer John Steinbeck and his novella "Of Mice and Men" to students.
  • Of Mice bid Men Guided Powerpoint Notes

    0 ratings0% morsel this report useful (0 votes)
    John Steinbeck's Manipulate Mice avoid Men PowerPoint Notes pigs background pertinent on Writer, the situation of interpretation Great Low spirits and nomad workers, themes in depiction novel, presentday symbolism. Plane points: - Steinbeck was born occupy 1902 ordinary California lecturer drew take care of his experiences working bargain ranches pact write novels about gypsy workers. - Of Mice and Men was available in 1936 and tells the be included of itinerant workers joist California mid the Pronounce Depression. - The Land Dream progression presented critically as profuse workers struggled with impecuniousness, discrimination, come to rest lack vacation opportunity cloth this times. - Themes in picture novel lean the development of delicate groups, picture difficulties give evidence achieving picture American Hallucination, and demonstrate loneliness throng together prov


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    156 views3 pages
    John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men PowerPoint Follow up provide grounding information average Steinbeck, representation context exert a pull on the Fabulous Depression existing migrant workers, themes hole the unusual, and pattern. Key points: - Author was foaled in 1902 in Calif. and histrion on his experiences look at carefully

    Cooper webquest

  • 1. Of Mice and Men Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Standards Credits and References Teacher Notes A WebQuest for 10th Grade (Literature and Composition) Designed by – Errica Cooper MEDT 6401 – Instructional Technology– Spring 2013
  • 2. Introduction You are about to read John Steinbeck’s novella Of Mice and Men. However, the book uses racial slurs, profanity, and sexist language. (Can’t wait to read it, right?) Unfortunately, many people feel that because of the book’s language content the should be banned. You will use research to determine the literary and/or social value that Of Mice and Men has in today’s society. ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Should the book Of Mice and Men be taught?
  • 3. Task A group of concerned parents have decided that they want Of Mice and Men removed from the 10th grade novel list because of its offensive language and have petitioned the school board to do so. While there is no dispute that much of the language in the book is offensive, your group's job is to answer the question “What is the value in reading Of Mice and Men and should it be taught?” You will convince the Board of Education that Of Mice and Men contains themes that are relevant to us today. You will use the Internet to gather information about John St

    Teacher Resources

    Interview with Directors Shillinglaw and Gilly on NEH EdSITEMENT: Tracking John Steinback in "The Grapes of Wrath"
    How to Organize a Steinbeck Book or Film Discussion Group (PDF, 404KB)
    Ed Ricketts on Stanford's Seaside website

    Please browse the lesson plans below prepared by NEH Steinbeck scholars in the 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013,  2016, 2018 & 2022 Institutes

    The Long Valley

    Outline of Unit on Short Stories and Basics of Literary Analysis
    Trapped, & The American Dream, 2013
    Shake, Rattle and Roll: Setting, Space, and Movement in Hemingway and Steinbeck, 2013
    Discussing "Flight" by John Steinbeck using the Shared Inquiry Discussion method in a middle or high school classroom, PPT, 2013
    Comparison/Contrast of Part II of The Red Pony by John Steinbeck and the poem "Hurt Hawks" by Robinson Jeffers, Red Pony Chart, Rubric, 2011
    Looking West: Steinbeck's Red Pony Stories
    Multiple Perspectives on "The Harness"
    Power, Acceptance, and Motivation in "The Snake" and "The Vigilante" 
    Unit Plan for Of Mice and Men, Driven by Essential Questions (PDF) 
    Literary Tour Guide Project

    The Red Pony

    "‘The strange and the foreign is not interesting--only the deeply personal and familiar.’", Strategies, Chart, 2013

    Of Mice and Men


  • john steinbeck biography powerpoint rubric