John steinbeck biography powerpoint rubric
Of Mice bid Men Guided Powerpoint Notes
Of Mice bid Men Guided Powerpoint Notes
Available Formats
Cooper webquest
Teacher Resources
Interview with Directors Shillinglaw and Gilly on NEH EdSITEMENT: Tracking John Steinback in "The Grapes of Wrath"
How to Organize a Steinbeck Book or Film Discussion Group (PDF, 404KB)
Ed Ricketts on Stanford's Seaside website
Please browse the lesson plans below prepared by NEH Steinbeck scholars in the 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2018 & 2022 Institutes
The Long Valley
Outline of Unit on Short Stories and Basics of Literary Analysis
Trapped, & The American Dream, 2013
Shake, Rattle and Roll: Setting, Space, and Movement in Hemingway and Steinbeck, 2013
Discussing "Flight" by John Steinbeck using the Shared Inquiry Discussion method in a middle or high school classroom, PPT, 2013
Comparison/Contrast of Part II of The Red Pony by John Steinbeck and the poem "Hurt Hawks" by Robinson Jeffers, Red Pony Chart, Rubric, 2011
Looking West: Steinbeck's Red Pony Stories
Multiple Perspectives on "The Harness"
Power, Acceptance, and Motivation in "The Snake" and "The Vigilante"
Unit Plan for Of Mice and Men, Driven by Essential Questions (PDF)
Literary Tour Guide Project
The Red Pony
"‘The strange and the foreign is not interesting--only the deeply personal and familiar.’", Strategies, Chart, 2013
Of Mice and Men