L pichon author biography worksheets
Tom Gates by Liz Pichon Activity Kit
Tom Gates by Liz Pichon Activity Kit
Available Formats
Biography of Liz Pichon:
Available Formats
Hilton Primary School, Inverness, have done some great work with the Scottish Book Trust. Following this, the Scottish Book Trust are offering CPD training for practitioners in Highland on Thursday 14th April 2016, 4pm – 5.30pm.
To book contact: emma.lamont@scottishbooktrust.com
Find out what Hilton have been up to below . . .
At Hilton Primary in Inverness both of the P6 classes have been taking part in a project inspired by the books and videos of Liz Pichon.
Getting Started
Initially we watched the Author’s Live Event with Liz Pichon.
This introduced all of the children to the world of Tom Gates. It was an extremely engaging and interactive session as the children had clipboards and paper to follow Liz’s doodling instructions.
During the next session we watched ‘The Brilliant World of Tom Gates’ as a lead into reading the book.
We followed the very natural progression of the book and focussed on the main themes of doodling, music and comics.
- We made a string doodle using a piece of string to make a shape, maybe a snail or a monster, and then we added doodles.
- We created a Tom Gates style wall on frieze paper/bookcase in classroom/ school library.
- The children developed their doodling techniques – C