Lotta onttonen biography of abraham
Media Lab Demo Days
New Media and Visual Communication Design
Miestentie 3, 4th floor, @13:00-17:00
PART 1 // 13:00-13:45
Welcome by Professor Philip Dean, Head of Media Department
Context: Ongoing Vocoder research
Description: The DELILAH project presents a media-archaeological model of voice encryption as a method to protect privacy while still speaking in the public sphere, based on the technology of the vocoder. The vocoder entered popular culture largely through the “robotic” vocals of the Kraftwerk album “Trans Europe Express” (1977). However, it’s history is rooted in WWII-era communications technology which was later “hijacked” into the world of electronic music.
Web link: http://macumbista.net/
Persons Involved in the Project: Derek Holzer
Pixel Polizei
Context: Just some free experimentation
Description: Pixel Polizei is a tool for the retro artist. It lets you automatically check whether an image conforms to the colour limits of a particular oldschool platform, such as the Commodore 64, and save the result in certain native formats. The underlying idea is that you can use whatever paint program you happen to prefer for creating
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4533. Kirjailijaketjun koostesäie
Libero15.1.2009 klo 19:54
Kirjailijaketjussa aiemmin käytetyt nimet tarkistetaan tästä koostesäikeestä.Ketjua jatketaan uusia nimiä varten viimeksi avatussa säikeessä.
Säikeissä 1–4 esiintyy sama nimi kahdesti 65 kertaa, kolmesti yhdeksän kertaa ja neljästi kaksi kertaa. Muistinvaraisesti tehdyt tilastotiedot voivat olla hieman epätarkkoja, mutta jonkinlaista suuntaa ne antavat. Toistoja kertyi tavallista enemmän, koska koostetta ei ollut käytettävissä kesällä 2005.
Kirjailijaketjun aloitti Eki 18.6.2005 kello 13.30. Lähes kolme vuotta kestäneeltä tauolta palattiin 12.6.2008 kello 23.16.
2. Libero15.1.2009 klo 19:54
Ketjuun kertyneet nimet:Säie 1691 (1): William Shakespeare - Reijo Mäki - Kirsi Kunnas - Aale Tynni - Niilo Lauttamus - Simo Hämäläinen - Enni Mustonen - Esa Anttala - Lauri Viita - Turunen, Heikki - Kivi, Aleksis - Salama, Hannu - Uma Aaltonen - Elias Lönnrot - Topelius, Sakari - Risto Rasa - Anna-Leena Härkönen - Niilo Lauttamus - Utrio, Kaari - Ilkka Remes - Character Zola - Saisio, Pirkko - Oranen, Raija - Jaan Kross - Tubby, Rex - Eino Leino - Olli - Liisa Nevalainen - Nykänen, Harri - Ruuth, Alpo - Pekka Kejonen - Ernest Hemingway - Anto Leikola - Laila Hie
File Under Jurassic Rock - G temporary (2012)
by Carsten Busch
An Encyclopaedia and Guide to
Progressive Rock and Related Musics
Chapter G – temporary version
Edition 2012
Compiled, written and edited by
Carsten Busch & Friends
File Under
Jurassic Rock
An Encyclopaedia and Guide to Progressive Rock and Related Musics Chapter G – temporary version Edition 2012 Compiled, written and edited by Carsten Busch & Friends File Under Jurassic Rock
File Under Jurassic Rock An Encyclopaedia and Guide to Progressive Rock and Related Musics Chapter G - GI Edition 2012 (temporary contents frozen 02. 04. 12) Compiled, edited and written by: CARSTEN BUSCH & FRIENDS
File Under Jurassic Rock Page 2 Carsten Busch & Friends Contact: jurassic@online. no Websites: http://jurassic-rock. blogspot. com http://carsbusc. home. online. no Please check the Introduction of File Under Jurassic Rock for an explanation of the structure of this book, the various definitions of subgenres used, abbreviations and formats and a bibliography!
Part G - GI Version 2012 Page 3 SEE: GNP SEE: ÖBERG, MATS British Genesis tribute act, specializing in “Seconds Out”-era material. Werner Jungmann: vocals, conga / Werne