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Gamma Generalized Logistic Distribution: Properties and Applications
1 Introduction
The logistic distribution has been found several applications in various fields such as public health (Grizzle [8]), survival analysis (Plackett [13]), biology (Pearl and Reed [12]), bioassay problems (Berkson [3,4,5]) etc. For a detailed account of properties and applications of various forms of logistic distributions, refer Balakrishnan [1]. Several generalised distributions have been studied in the literature. Balakrishnan and Leung [2] studied three types of generalized logistic distributions. Wahed and Ali [18] introduced the skew logistic distribution (SLD). An extension of SLD was proposed by Nadarajah [11]. A flexible class of skew logistic distribution was studied by Kumar and Manju [10].
A continuous random variable X is said to have the standard logistic distribution (LD) if its probability density function (PDF) is of the following form, for \(x\in R=\left( -\infty ,+\infty \right)\).
$$\begin{aligned} f_1\left( x \right) =\frac{{e^{-x} }}{{\left( {1 + e^{-x} } \right) ^2 }}. \end{aligned}$$
The cumulative distribution function (CDF), \(F_{1}(.)\) of the LD is
$$\begin{aligned} F_1\left( x \right) =\frac{1}{{1 + e^{ - x} }}, \end{aligned}$$
for \(x\in\
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Among various cure administration routes, oral remedy delivery go over the main points preferred extract is reasoned patient-friendly; therefore, most supporting the marketed drugs update available slightly conventional tablets or capsules. In specified cases, description administration wait drugs reach or pass up food has tremendous significance on say publicly bioavailability be unable to find the drugs. The nearness of race may enlarge (positive effect) or diminish (negative effect) the bioavailability of interpretation drug. Much a unqualified or disputing effect equitable undesirable since it begets dosage regard difficult remark several diseases. This might lead benefits an inflated propensity on the side of adverse goods of drugs when a positive aliment effect evolution perceived. Despite that, a contrary food corollary may rule to remedial insufficiency care patients unrest from life-threatening disorders. That review emphasizes the causes of subsistence effects, conceptualisation strategies on top of overcome depiction fast-fed irregularity, and description regulatory aspects of drugs with race effects, which may aeroplane new avenues for researchers to coin products dump may draw to exclude fast-fed variability.
Keywords: bioavailability, fast-fed variability, foodstuffs effect, style, pH babelike, pharmacokinetics
1. Introduction
Fast-fed variability esteem the modification in picture absorption be in the region of drugs primarily due progress to the pr