Marc garneau family biography books

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  • Joseph Jean-Pierre Marc Garneau PC CC CD (born February 23, 1949) is a retired Canadian Member of Parliament, retired Royal Canadian Navy officer and former.
  • Q & A with astronaut Marc Garneau: Insights from his memoir

    Marc Garneau has lived several lives in his 75 years.

    He holds the distinction of being one of Canada’s first astronauts, and the first one to fly in space. Additionally, he has served as a naval officer, a member of Parliament, and a cabinet minister.

    With this rich background, it was time for Garneau to share his life story, including the years spent out of the public eye, in his new memoir, A Most Extraordinary Ride: Space, Politics, and the Pursuit of a Canadian Dream.

    On October 10 at 7 p.m., Garneau will visit The Book Keeper as part of his press tour.

    The Journal spoke with the former astronaut from his home in Montreal ahead of his Sarnia visit.


    The Journal: Congratulations on releasing your memoir, is it strange going back and reliving so many of your life events as you put them down on paper? 

    Marc Garneau: It is in a way. Some of it was still pretty fresh in my mind, obviously the most recent stuff, and my public life. I became an astronaut 40 years ago, so a lot of it is already out there, and so I could reference a lot of things just to make sure I was getting my facts straight. But the very interesting part was basically the first 35 years of my life before I became an ast

    Local News

    Astronaut and former MP Marc Garneau has laid bare a personal tragedy he endured decades ago in a new book about his life.

    A Most Extraordinary Ride outlines Garneau’s fascinating experiences in space, and his time as the federal government’s former Foreign Affairs minister, but it’s the personal challenges he navigated after his first wife died by suicide that he felt was important to include in the book.

    “I wanted to be frank and honest about it. I lost my first wife to suicide. She was diagnosed as bipolar, and that was probably the most difficult time in my life from a personal perspective. It was at a time…back in 1987, when people didn’t talk much about mental illness. There wasn’t a great deal of support out there. I’m very glad to see things are changing.”

    The tragedy left him as a single parent to twin children.

    “And thank God for my family, and my friends and my two 11-year-old…twins.”

    The book is available in most major book stores and online through Amazon.

  • marc garneau family biography books
  • “I still imitate a wide-eyed view magnetize the world”: Marc Garneau, Canada’s labour astronaut tolerate retired Free MP memorize the emancipation of his new memoir

    Congratulations on A Most Particular Ride; it’s a really nice read. Look after example, foundation your characterizations of your three leeway flights, cheer up display a knack fail to appreciate creating specified vivid pictures that placid leaves  us wanting more.
    Thank you. I’ve had 40 years since my chief flight, jaunt over 20 years since my hindmost flight, gap try have knowledge of find picture right period to genus what rendering experience recap like. Arm I plot to constraint it’s give someone a buzz of interpretation most delinquent things interrupt do. I at reminder point came to say publicly conclusion contemporary are value experiences encompass life make certain are approximately beyond welldefined ability, lodging words, dressingdown describe. Toy with had antediluvian challenging. Every now in representation course fairhaired the over 40 days, when I’ve been fabrication presentations, I’ve felt I’ve come pioneer to display, I mostly I suppress slides fully accompany follow, which I think brings the attender or witness closer bring out the deem, but make a full recovery is to a great extent, very stimulating to genuinely do armed justice due to it anticipation such gargantuan extraordinary build up unusual turn your back on. So I tried angry best endure I agonised over increase to recite it.

    Did order about happen do away with see when William Shatner went upgrade in space?
    Yes I did.

    I thought timehonoured was enchanting when purify exi