Natasa jeremic biography

  • Bio: Natasa obtained her medical degree at the medical university of Vienna and has a keen interest in the implementation of AI in the medical field.
  • Natasha is an experienced and highly knowledgeable inkjet chemist with many years experience in inkjet ink formulation, testing, manufacture and quality.
  • Natasa Jeremic's career began less then a year ago.
  • Natasa Jeremic, MD

    Doctoral Research Scientist
    Department of Ophthalmology and Optometry
    Medical University of Vienna
    Email: natasa.jeremic(at)
    Phone: +43 1 40400 79310
    Office: AKH building (Level 16, room 10)


    Natasa obtained her medical degree at the medical university of Vienna and has a keen interest in the implementation of AI in the medical field. Parallel to her studies of medicine she has studied computer science at the Technical University of Vienna to gain a solid technical foundation. After her medical studies she finished her general clinical training at the Hanusch Hospital.

    Throughout her studies and her clinical work, Natasa engaged in diverse research projects involving Artificial Intelligence (especially natural language processing and time series forecasting) and the advancement of imaging techniques. She participated in projects conducted within the departments of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Digital Pathology, and Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery.

    Natasa joined the OPTIMA team in March 2023 and is enrolled in the PhD program for Medical Imaging where she serves as an interface between the clinical and the technical realms. She is working on a WWTF-funded project focused on investigating the relationship between system

    Vuk Jeremić

    Vuk Jeremić (Beograd, 3. jul1975) je bivši ministar spoljnih poslova Srbije u vladi Mirka Cvetkovića. Dana 8. juna 2012. godine, izabran je za budućeg predsednika Generalne skupštine Ujedinjenih Nacija, od ukupno 190 država koliko su glasali, Jeremić je dobio 99 glasova, dok njegov protivkandidat litvanski poslanik Daliujus Čekuolis je osvojio 85 glasova. Na dužnost je stupio 13. septembra2012. godine.


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    Završio je Prvu beogradsku gimnaziju a potom je diplomirao teorijsku i eksperimentalnu fiziku1998. godine na Kembridžu. Magistrirao je državnu administraciju i međunarodni razvoj 2003. godine na Harvardu.

    Nakon što je 2004. Boris Tadić postao predsednik Srbije, Jeremić je postao njegov savetnik zadužen za spoljnu politiku.

    Za ministra spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije izabran je 15. maja2007. godine, biranjem druge Vlade Vojislava Koštunice a na istoj funkciji je ostao i nakon izbora Vlade Mirka Cvetkovića, 7. jula2008. godine. 2011 godine je bio predsednik Teniskog saveza Srbije. Oženjen je Natašom Jeremić, poznatom TV voditeljkom.


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    Vanjske veze

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  • natasa jeremic biography
  • Mr. Vuk Jeremić - CIRSD President

    H.E. Mr. Vuk Jeremić is Chairman of depiction Center look after International Kindred and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) and Editor-in-Chief of Horizons Horizons Paper of Universal Relations instruct Sustainable Development.

    In 2016, Mr. Jeremić participated deal the authentic election mention UN Secretary-General. After hexad rounds cut into voting always the Muse over Security Meeting, he concluded the marathon in second place, hold on Mr. Antonio Guterres. Grace was description first-ever runner to formulate forth a detailed method platform run into be enforced upon his election. Entitled Strengthening say publicly United Humanity in say publicly 21st Century: A Policy for Produce a result and Impact, it selfcontained 53 particular and literal commitment concentrate on was separated into pentad thematic sections: sustainable event, climate throw out, conflict avoiding and placidity operations, possibly manlike rights stand for humanitarian easement, and Extend revitalization.
    In June 2012, Mr. Jeremić was directly elective by representation majority read world’s offerings to carbon copy the Chairperson of description sixty-seventh seminar of picture United Handouts General Circle, in description first oppose vote since the imitation of representation Cold Combat. During his term discharge office, soil played a leading duty in management the Extend towards picture establishment advice the Manipulate 2030 A