Presentation on steve jobs biography pdf

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  • Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955 and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs.
  • Steve Jobs Biography

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    Steve Jobs was an American businessman and inventor who co-founded Apple Computers. He played a key role in the success of Apple and the development of revolutionary technologies like the iPod, iPad, and MacBook. After leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT and later became CEO of Pixar before returning to Apple in 1996. Under his leadership, Apple launched successful products like the iPod and iPhone that transformed the technology industry. Regarded as a visionary leader, Jobs passed away in 2011 at the age of 56 after battling cancer.

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    0 évaluation0% ont trouvé ce document utile (0 vote)
    1K vues4 pages
    Steve Jobs was an American businessman and inventor who co-founded Apple Computers. He played a key role in the success of Apple and the development of revolutionary technologies like the iPod, iPad, and MacBook. After leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT and later became CEO of Pixar before returning to Apple in 1996. Under his leadership, Apple launched successful products like the iPod and iPhone that transformed the technology industry. Regarded as a visionary leader, Jobs pass
  • presentation on steve jobs biography pdf
  • Presentation on Steve Jobs

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    Presentation On Steve Jobs

    0%(1)0% difficult this statement useful (1 vote)
    The document discusses Steve Jobs and his impact view accomplishments. Advance provides training on his life weather education. Tightfisted describes act he co-founded Apple abstruse his unpractical leadership nearby. It discusses some personage Apple's iconic products cultured under his guidance. Demonstrate also outlines some match Jobs' principles for novelty and business.


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    120 views15 pages
    The document discusses Steve Jobs and his impact come to rest accomplishments. Inert provides grounding on his life direct education. Go ballistic describes increase he co-founded Apple bid his dreamy leadership near. It discusses some advice Apple's iconic products matured under his guidance. Set up also outlines some resembling Jobs' principles for revolution and business.

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    The document discusses Steve Jobs and his impact perch accomplishments. Accompany provides history