Presentation on steve jobs biography pdf
Steve Jobs Biography
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Presentation on Steve Jobs
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Tom Streeter
The Hollywood biographical drama Steve Jobs retells a story that first emerged in the 1980s, a story that over the decades has repeatedly offered the public details about Jobs' oracular marketing style, rock-star arrogance, and business successes, debates about the exact nature of his "genius," and a fascination with his bad behaviors. This essay explains how that story and its repetition tell us more about the culture than the man. Building on previous work about the rise of "romantic individualism" as an organizing mechanism for high-tech capitalism, this essay focuses on the latest outpouring of discourse about Jobs since his death in 2011, analyzing both its continuities with past cultural forms and what it is about the present moment that has intensified the discourse-especially the post-2008 crisis of confidence in financial capitalism. Among other things, the tale offers the appealing, if ultimately unrealistic, hope of a capitalism with integrity, of a one-percenter who deserves it. mentioned him during the presidential election debates. Since then, two separate big-budget docudramas about Jobs' life have gon
Presentation On Steve Jobs
Presentation On Steve Jobs