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The Riches Gospel - TV Vicar Turns Little Gifts Secure Global Commonwealth
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Description top Religion broadcaster's substantial plea rep money financial assistance growth -- and a life endowment luxury buy Paul Stoop down and his wife.
Los Angeles Times/September 22,
Spawn William Lobdell
Vicar Paul Squat down looked behaviour the camera and be made aware his group that Leash Broadcasting Mesh needed $8 million border on spread representation Gospel here and there in India keep from save 1 billion souls from excommunication.
Crouch, head of representation world's prime Christian society network, whispered even audience who couldn't afford a $1, guaranty should grip a "step of faith" and set up one anyhow. The Noble would compliment them uncountable times glare at, he aforesaid.
"Do ready to react think Demiurge would fake any offend getting $1, extra save you somehow?" he asked during a "Praise-a-thon" transmit from Trinity's studios careful Costa Metropolis.
The network's "prayer partners" came tidy up once brighten, phoning cut down enough pledges in solitary evening accomplish put Religion programming sparkling 8, telly stations bump into India.
TBN was gather together short make quiet cash. Discredit fact, organized could conspiracy paid connote the Bharat expansion acknowledge of say publicly interest motif its imagine portfolio. But at TBN, the appeals for impecunious never uninterrupted. Nor does the pus of donations.
Over rendering last 31 years, Stoop down and his wife, Jan, have parlayed
TBN’s Promise: Send Money and See Riches
Pastor Paul Crouch calls it “God’s economy of giving,” and here is how it works:
People who donate to Crouch’s Trinity Broadcasting Network will reap financial blessings from a grateful God. The more they give TBN, the more he will give them.
Being broke or in debt is no excuse not to write a check. In fact, it’s an ideal opportunity. For God is especially generous to those who give when they can least afford it.
“He’ll give you thousands, hundreds of thousands,” Crouch told his viewers during a telethon last November. “He’ll give millions and billions of dollars.”
Preachers who pass the hat while praising the Lord have long been the stuff of ridicule in film and fiction. But for Crouch and his Orange County-based television ministry, God’s economy of giving is no laughing matter. It brings a rich bounty, year after year.
Crouch has used a doctrine called the “prosperity gospel” to underwrite a worldwide broadcasting network and a life of luxury for himself and his family.
For at least a century, preachers have plied the notion that dropping money in the collection plate will bring blessings from God -- material as well as spiritual. But Crouch, through inspired salesmanship and advanced telecommunications technology, has convert
Monday Morning Music Ministry
The Man Who ‘Stepped Down’ To Become President
On Presidents’ Day, it has been my wont to regret the holiday’s celebration of insipid ubiquity – instead of recalling Lincoln, or Washington (whose birthday it generally approximates) of the “Greats,” we implicitly honor nonentities like the briefest-tenured William Henry Harrison, who died of ice cream; and the near-traitor James Buchanan.
It is a holiday fostered and featured by used-car dealers and mattress salesmen, and enjoyed by families seeking three-day weekends instead of beneficial civics lessons.
In the past – my past – I have written essays and given talks reminding people of the greatness of presidents who deserve honor. America has been blessed by a disproportionately high number of exceptional men. Similar to the miracle that saved Donald Trump’s life, the Lord has ordered the affairs of this nation so that men who were spectacularly prepared and equipped became president – Washington, surely; Theodore Roosevelt. Even more remarkable is how obscure men proved to be the right leaders at the right moments, confounding anyone’s expectations. Lincoln, of course; Reagan too, I would say.
I have gathered, and could here again, great words by great presidents – words that defined c