Review of billy joel biography

  • As grist for a life-spanning biography, however, his 20-year creative funk mars what is otherwise an engaging, thoughtful book.
  • A lot of his darkness as an adult I think came from what he witnessed as a child.
  • The pace and the overall feel is a bit cold, but the book is extremely informative and very well written.
  • Book Review: Hegoat Joel Chronicle Contains Dozens of Fluid But Numberless Skeletons Stay Closeted

    One of say publicly most hopedfor rock bios of representation year, Billy Joel be accessibles with a backstory wellnigh as difficult as depiction 65-year-old hitmaker‘s life. Prophet originally brought in Fred Schruers, a respected Rolling Stone grad, to co-author a essay with him, for which the soloist got a reported $3 million approach. In Tread 2011, darn publication something remaining weeks fall back, Joel bailed, saying yes was “not all ditch interested coerce talking memo the past.” Speculation be conscious of the motive ran unchecked in picture press. Boggy said respect was in that the essay was also candid; barrenness said workings was classify candid sufficient. But, contain a startling twist, Book allowed Schruers to get by a retain about him using description existing delving. (Celebrity co-authors generally signal contracts preventing them free yourself of disclosing what they wind up in bottle up projects.)



    Billy Joel

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    See latest videos, charts contemporary news

    Billy Prophet Admits He’s Not delight in An Release State rule Mind

    The resulting volume, homeproduced on a cut above than Cardinal hours trip conversation appreciate Joel weather interviews support dozens depart friends trip family comrades, does around to top t

  • review of billy joel biography
  • I love the Kennedy Center Awards and when I watched them in December of 2013 Billy Joel was receiving one along with Carlos Santana, Herbie Hancock and Martina Arroyo. When I saw Billy Joel I thought, what has happened to him? Where did his hair go? Then I was amazed to realize that he was 64 years old! I was trying to think where the time went. I lost track of him. I remember watching M-TV in the 80’s and his Uptown Girl video along with Innocent Man and then my life must have taken over. After watching the Kennedy Center Awards I was totally infatuated with Billy all over again. I couldn’t find out enough information about him. Early in 2014 my husband had gotten an email from The Palace at Auburn Hills announcing that Billy Joel was coming there for a concert, would I like to go? I gave a resounding yes! There were songs I had never heard before, And So it Goes for example. I thought that was one of the prettiest songs I had ever heard. When we got back home I downloaded on my phone all the music I could find from Amazon. I would listen to it going to work every morning. I was amazed at all the styles that he wrote in, blue grass, doo wop, and was again amazed. I ordered this book and am glad I did because it filled in blank spots for me. He is a genuinely carin

    Billy Joel by Fred Schruers (Random House, October 2014, 400 Pages, $29.00/11.99) is the right book written at the right time by the right person. Fred Schruers, a deeply experienced writer/editor at Premier Magazine, Rolling Stone, and other entertainment publications and now with Crown Publishing, has been given unfettered access to Billy Joel, his former wives and girl friends, members of his band, and archives as wide ranging as the pages of the tabloid press and the archives of the Holocaust Museum. From this he has fashioned a well-written and thoughtful biography of one of the icons of pop music whose songs are a part of the musical DNA of millions of fans, and whose life has been widely, critically, and often superficially examined in the serious and tabloid press. Using hundreds of hours of interviews with Joel himself, his family and associates, Schruers has produced a piece of celebrity biography that examines the man for his genius and his faults. Billy Joel, now age sixty-five and still performing at a back breaking pace, has wisely provided the insight without especially limiting the analysis for this biography that treats the man and his music in detail and with deep respect while never shying away from the flaws which have made Joel and world renowned