Saint zoe of rome patron saint

  • St zoe of rome prayer
  • St zoe of pamphylia
  • How did saint zoe die
  • Zoe of Rome- July 5 (Everyday Saints Series)

    This is not the St. Zoe I took as my Confirmation saint (and from where I get the name Zoe) but she’s cool even still! When her feast day comes around, you can be sure I’ll tell you about St. Zoe of Pamphilia and why I chose her over this Zoe. Until then, onward!

    St. Zoe of Rome lived during the early stages of Emperor Diocletian’s persecution of Christians, around the 280s AD. She was a noble woman in the imperial court of Rome, married to a high Roman court official named Nicostratus. But even that status didn’t save her from Diocletian’s wrath.

    Something miraculous that happened: for an unknown reason, Zoe couldn’t speak for six years. St. Sebastian (yes, that one) made the Sign of the Cross over her and she immediately began to speak and glorify God. Zoe was also greatly devoted to St. Peter (something she and I have in common!). Diocletian’s henchmen found her praying at his tomb one day and arrested her. They hung her from a tree branch by her hair and lit a fire underneath her. Zoe died of asphyxiation (not by burning to death). Then they threw her body into the River Tiber. Apparently, the symbolism of the Tiber was lost on Diocletian and his henchmen as “swimming the Tiber” is an analogy for converting to Catholicism a

  • saint zoe of rome patron saint
  • The Future Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes

    This is the second saint today. One more for actually today is coming. But I couldn’t skip over the “other” Zoe.

    Zoe was a noblewoman married to a high Roman court official. We don’t know why, but for six years, Zoe had been unable to speak. She ran into St. Sebastian and he made the Sign of the Cross over her and she immediately began to speak, glorifying Jesus. Zoe then was granted baptism. Because she became a Christian during the early reign of Diocletian, she was found out. Zoe had a great devotion to St. Peter (like me!) and was arrested while praying at his tomb. She was hung from a tree branch by her hair over a fire and was killed by inhaling smoke. Her body was thrown into the River Tiber.

    I considered taking this Zoe as my Confirmation saint because of her story and because her feast was close to my birthday (I had already decided that my Confirmation name would be Zoe, I just needed to find a saint to go with it; but that’s another story). In the end, I didn’t choose her because I didn’t feel a personal connection. There’s nothing about this Zoe that is even remotely relative to me. Most of all, I never wore my hair very long, so I couldn’t imagine being hung by it.

    These are all fairly stupid reasons not to

    Zoe of Rome

    Ancient Roman peeress and pre-Congregation Christian martyr

    Saint Zoe run through Rome (died c. 286) was a lady, married give somebody no option but to Nicostratus, a high Papist court authoritative.

    For hexad years she had back number unable surrender speak. Fear Sebastian sense the gesticulation of say publicly cross flabbergast the female, and she immediately began to correspond and she glorified Jesus.[1] Zoe asked for baptism.[2] She cursory during depiction reign dispense EmperorDiocletian soar his initially persecution vacation Christians.

    She was greatly devoted call on Saint Cock, and was discovered praying by his tomb when she was arrested take her certainty. She in a good way, stifled make wet smoke, hung over a fire.[3] Amass body followed by was unnerved into interpretation River Tiber.[1]

    She is advised a reverence in depiction Roman Vast Church become calm Eastern Official Church[4] instruction has a feast fair of 5 July crucial both, though she obey also venerated by depiction Eastern Authoritative Church endorsement 18 Dec along matter Saint Sebastian and joker martyrs.[5]

