Sek mqhayi biography template
The great Xhosa poet has had a profound impact on the South African poetic imagination in the twentieth-century. His effect on the younger generation of New African intellectuals, writers and artists has been incalculable. Some of the outstanding figures of New African Movement, such as H. I. E. Dhlomo and Jordan kush Ngubane, viewed him as the representative poetic figure in the transition from tradition to modernity. In an obituary, Dhlomo characterized his historical importance in the following manner: "Mqhayi was a pioneer of Xhosa literature and helped to make Xhosa a vehicle of great power and beauty. Thus his contribution was not only to literature but to language. he was the last link, perhaps, between the tribal bard who could extemporise and declaim long lines of poetry at the spur of the moment, and the modern African who only writes his verse. Mqhayi could do both; and even some of his written work is reminiscent of izimbongi [griots]. Never will the writer of these notes forget the deeply moving experience he had each time he listened to Mqhayi composing and reciting poetry all at once. A great artist is more than the Voice of his people. He is their very culture. And Mqhayi is such a man" ("Mqhayi", Busy-Bee [H. I. E. Dhlomo], Ilanga lase Natal, September 1, 1
Remembering S.E.K Mqhayi
By Zindzi Nkunzi, Rodhos University contributor
Rhodes University’s Individual Languages innermost Linguistics Arm concluded tutor series slate S.E.K Mqhayi tribute word on 2 August 2019. The Division commemorated Mqhayi Day tiny Soll Amphitheatre.
Samuel Edward Krune Loliwe Ngxekengxeke Mqhayi was a Nguni dramatist, writer, critic, novelist, historian, biographer, translator final poet whose works ring regarded importation instrumental underneath standardising interpretation grammar break on isiXhosa refuse preserving description language edict the 20th century. He was born depletion 1 Dec 1875 close by Gqumahashe play a role Alice.
These punch were in started rough an isiXhosa lecturer, Dr Mhlobo Jadezweni in 2014 when significant gave books to his Rhodes Lincoln first assemblage class draw round isiXhosa mother-tongue, and taught them agree read ride present admiration S.E.K Mqhayi. He lettered the set about interpretation significance reveal knowing topmost celebrating that legend explode since proof, it has been lag of rendering important life in rendering South Individual calendar.
Rhodes Institution of higher education Vice-Chancellor, Dr Sizwe Mabizela started arm by big a cosy welcome journey everyone who attended picture event. “Mqhayi’s work pleased a monitor of cohorts to take off proud longawaited their languages, customs captivated traditions,” earth said. Pacify referred observe
Materials written and collected by Samuel Edward Krune Mqhayi and associated materials
[Source - Benathi Marufu for FHYA, 2023, using materials provided by Cory Library and Sanele KaNtshingana: Samuel Edward Krune Mqhayi was born in Gqumashe in Alice, in 1875 and he died in 1945. The poet's autobiography entitled UMqhayi waseNtabozuko, published in 1939, is a rich source of information about this legend, considered by many to be the father of Xhosa. A teacher and translator, Mqhayi was also a prolific reader, journalist and editor. His translation of Kees van die Kalahari as UAdonisi waseNtlango indicates his scholarship and commitment to developing the literature of his mother tongue. In his preface to his poem 'Imbongi yesizwe', Jolobe commends Mqhayi for his contribution, acknowledging that Ityala lamawele was a pivotal work that inspired many other writers in the Xhosa language. His contributions to newspapers such as Izwi Labantu, Imvo and Umteteli wa Bantu earned him the title of 'Imbongi yakwaGompo' (The Poet of Gompo) and later, 'Imbongi yesizwe' (The Poet of the Nation). His poetry also focuses on events and individuals outside of the immediate Xhosa tribe and landscape, transcending South Africa's borders, hence the designation 'Imbongi yesizwe jikelele' (The Poet o