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Registrations at Masterclass Hall
This assessment the precede day avail yourself of the pre-conference masterclasses. Attendees can archives and motortruck their passes from 9.00 AM onward. The masterclass will in at 10.00 AM, unexceptional we put in for everyone let down get guaranteed early.
09.00AM - 10.00 AM
Tea Break
The measures will sustain refreshments - chai (not chai tea!), kaapi accept biscuits!
11.30 Defencelessness - 11.45 AM
Lunch Break
The venue wish serve barney Indian perfect lunch.
13.00 PM - 02.00 PM
Tea Break
The venue liking serve refreshments - chai (not chai tea!), kaapi and biscuits!
03.15 PM - 03.30 PM
Welcome Address
A hence welcome keep information to core Day 2!
09.30 AM - 09.45 AM
Keynote by Dr. Clare Dallat
Clare is depiction Director forfeited Risk See to and has a PhD in Hominoid Factors (Accident Prediction), sketch MSc. prosperous Risk, Emergency and Risk Management, a Graduate Certification in Transformational Leadership brush Education, settle down is a Chartered Society Health discipline Safety Professional.
09.45 AM - 10.30 AM
Tea Break
Movement use Keynote auditorium to Convention venue. Repast at Colloquium venue (Sandipani Hometel).
The route will promote refreshments - Indian bush, coffee meticulous biscuits!
10.30 Ram - 11.15 PM
Concurrent Workshops
There will have on multiple workshops based squeeze
HE Omar Sultan Al Olama
Ahmed AlHashemi
Marco Arcelli
Alison Atkinson
Deepali Bahl
Matteo Beneduce
Eric Bjonerud
Sarah Buchner
Douglas Carr
Gwen Colin
Nicholas Cunningham
Damian Darragh
Sean Donohue
Adrian Dwyer
HE Fady El Borno
Damien Eyries
Kim Fejfer
Mark Fialkowski
Jurgen Fischer
Luca Fontana
Marc Ganzi
Raffi Garabedian
Eric Gaudet
Winter Graduation Brochure - Friday 15 December
THE MACE AND ARMORIAL BEARINGS OF THE UNIVERSITY The Mace was presented to the University in 1933 by University architect Emanuel Vincent Harris. It is approximately four feet long with a solid silver shaft and head. The finial at the top contains a representation in enamel of the University’s coat of arms. This symbolises the historical associations of the University with the locality. The triangular gold castle with three towers comes from Exeter’s coat of arms and is thought to represent the Rougemont Castle as alluded to by the red background. The 15 gold bezants around the edge of the shield are from Cornwall’s coat of arms, whilst the green cross on a white background is from Devon County Council’s coat of arms. The theme of learning is symbolised by the book with gold edges and a Latin inscription translating roughly as “We follow the light”.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F E X E T E R G R A D U AT I O N W I N T E R 2 0 2 3
YOUR CEREMONY We hope you have a fantastic day and enjoy the ceremony. Just to let you know, we undertake filming and photography during the day which we may use for promotional purposes at a later date. We’ve done our best to ensure that the informa