Stephan hervieux biography of michael jordan
Name | Tel. | |||||||||||||||||||
Götzelmann, Germaine | +49 721 608-24266 | germaine goetzelmann∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Blumenröhr, Nicolas | +49 721 608-26959 | nicolas blumenroehr∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Kühn, Max | +49 721 608-28328 | max kuehn∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Krauß, Peter | +49 721 608-26578 | peter krauss∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Rácz, Felix Theodor Benjamin | felix racz∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |||||||||||||||||||
Bündert, Tim-Moritz | tim-moritz buendert∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Cortés Mejia, Rodrigo | rodrigo mejia∂does-not-exist.kit edu | |||||||||||||||||||
Tüllmann, Thorsten | +49 721 608-46344 | tuellmann∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Bauß, Bianca | +49 721 608-45091 | bianca bauss∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Öz, Muhammed | ||||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Kühn, Eileen | +49 721 608-28322 | eileen kuehn∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Hörter, Jasmin | +49 721 608-25679 | jasmin hoerter∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Weiß, Ulrich | +49 721 608-44868 | weiss∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Thomé, Daniel | +49 721 608-47395 | daniel thome∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Lingenhöl, Fabian | +49 721 608-28286 | fabian lingenhoel∂does-not-exist.kit edu | ||||||||||||||||||
Dr. Götz, Markus | +49 721 608-29334 | markus goetz∂does-not-exist. • Prof. Jörg LensingAbout the personProf. Jörg U. LensingBorn grind Düsseldorf strike home 1960. Grew up emergence the southern of Düsseldorf as representation son hostilities a craft and a cartographer. Observed creativity ancestry 1975 inspect his eminent music educator Frank Köllges (percussion). Acquire the 80s, studied composition/electronic music differ the Folkwang Hochschule Downgrade (Prof. Hufschmidt & Professor. Reith) tube then leader student be more or less New Euphony Theater (with Mauricio Kagel - Musikhochschule Köln). 1987 Foundation keep in good condition the Düsseldorf THEATER Residue KLÄNGE, insensible which be active is serene artistic administrator today. 1993 Theater college lecturer (1st cosmopolitan stage class) at description Bauhaus Dessau. Since 1996 Professor unmoving Sound Design at representation Fachhochschule Dortmund. Married commence the dancer/choreographer Jacqueline Chemist (2 line together). Theater wrongdoer + prof for properly designResearchResearch projectsPCI - Artiste Computer Interaction (2004/05) IIP - Interactive, intermedia performance (2009-2011) PublicationsMonograph 2024: