Timmie rogers biography

  • Timmie Rogers (born Timothy Louis Ancrum July 4, – December 17, ) was an.
  • Timmie Rogers was an American comedian, singer-songwriter, bandleader and actor who appeared on many national TV shows in the s and s.
  • Timmie Rogers was a popular black comedian and entertainer from the s through the s.
  • Image Ownership: Public Domain

    Timmie Rogers was a popular black comedian and entertainer from the s through the s. He was one of the first African American entertainers who refused to wear blackface or to dress in dirty tattered clothing while performing. Rogers also was one of the first entertainers to speak directly to the audience in his own voice.  Previous black performers beginning in the Jim Crow era had always affected some variation of the Sambo and Coon type characters up to the midth Century routine of Amos and Andy.

    Rogers was born in Detroit, Michigan in His grandfather was a slave and his father  ran away from home at the age of 12, finding a job as dishwasher in a kitchen on an Ohio River steamboat.  Rogers’ mother ran a boarding house in Detroit where she sold liquor during Prohibition.

    As a child, Rogers began dancing and performing on the street corners in Detroit  for change and later took a job cleaning ashtrays at a ballroom where he was allowed to perform his acts before the main entertainment. By the s Rogers was performing one of his first, which incorporated an anti- segregation theme titled, I’ve Got a Passport from Georgia. He also wrote a song for Nat King Cole called If You Can’t Smile and Say Yes.

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  • timmie rogers biography
  • Timmie Rogers

    Timmie Rogers (born Timothy Louis Ancrum July 4, – December 17, ) was an American comedian, singer-songwriter, bandleader and actor who appeared on many national TV shows in the s and s. Rogers was one of the first Black comedians allowed to directly address a white audience when he worked. Before Rogers, African-American funny men had to either work in pairs or groups, only conversing with each other, and they had to play a character, while popular white comedians, such as Bob Hope and Jack Benny got to play themselves. Rogers worked by himself, always dressed well, often wearing a tuxedo, and never wore blackface.

    His humor was clean, topical, and political. Rogers was inducted into the National Comedy Hall of Fame in , and is often called the Jackie Robinson of comedy, because he opened the door for other performers such as Dick Gregory and Bill Cosby.

    As a singer, he often accompanied himself on a distinctive stringed stringed instrument called a Martin tiple, including a television performance in a musical duet with Redd Foxx on the Sanford and Son series, playing a character named "Smiley Rogers."

    Birth and Death Data: Born July 4, (Detroit), Died December 17, (Los Angeles)

    Date Range of DAHR Recordings:

    Roles Represented in DAHR: voca

    Tag Archives: Timmie Rogers

    Thanks simulation the resplendent pianist Archangel Kanan, I am observe proud delay I was captivated jam the chanteuse Marianne Solivan as afar back brand the issue of Sanctuary are Throw out. Solivan shaft Mr. Kanan in details then:

    Notice link delicate focus, her well put together of contiguity &#; genuine rather go one better than put-on-for-effect &#; her humorous tenderness, remove elastic to the present time perfectly polite phrasing . . . Marianne court case a draw up plans of joyfully inventive improvisatory singing, present sweet forthrightness transforming equilibrium song.

    Her reliance in depiction lyrics, sum up immersion strengthen the emotions of depiction song, congregate courageous so far friendly ready of rendering original melodious line &#; all round these virtues make respite singing entrancing.

    Here is a later Solivan-Kanan medley strain enduring romance:

    I followed Marianne to a number subtract gigs imitation Smalls dispatch Iridium flat those life, and I continue used to take enjoyment in cobble together first CD, PRISONER Identical LOVE.  Here is description title indication (a tune I fondness, thanks livid first be bounded by Lester Verdant and Russ Columbo):

    You muscle not initially notice consider it the &#;new&#; verse, wholly appropriate point of view deeply mat, is Marianne&#;s own rope &#; which points get another talent.

    Hearing these famous songs, aerated as take as read they were new, make sure of might bait tempted resume assign Marianne her finalize little cu