Vineeta vijayaraghavan biography for kids

  • SIDELIGHTS: Vineeta Vijayaraghavan was born May 27, 1972, in India, but grew up primarily in the United States.
  • One of the most outstanding is Vineeta Vijayaraghavan's evocative Motherland: The Other Side of my Heart (Chicken House £11.99, pp231).
  • An American teenager travels to southern India to visit her relatives and gains new insight into her past, her family and her heritage.
  • Motherland

    December 22, 2017
    hangin' with the homies in South India

    For non-Indians, MOTHERLAND might be an interesting window into a certain kind of South Indian life--a very elite life, however, where people speak English, belong to clubs, maintain gardens, drive cars, obsess over clothing, and have parties. Their children attend elite private schools presided over by old English women. It should have been marketed as a "young adult" novel, in which case I would have skipped such a wooden novel entirely. The author questions very little, taking the voice of an Indian-American teenager returning to live with relatives for the summer, dealing with family problems, learning more about her own identity. This sort of theme is ideal for teenagers, but Goodreads folk will have to admit that a large number of novels already exist in the field, even if they don't focus on South Indian tea plantations. She spins a mundane coming of age story into which she inserts a political problem---a hunt for Tamil Tiger suspects connected to the assassination of Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi---but deals with it neither realistically or excitingly. Somebody should have advised her to drop it. Her comments about British/ American/ Indian relationships struck me as puerile. The author is better at de

    Vijayaraghavan, Vineeta 1972–


    Born Haw 27, 1972, in India; daughter entrap Raji (an information systems specialist) splendid M.K. (retired) Vijayaraghavan; wedded Thomas Book DeLong (an educator). Education:Harvard University, B.A. (magna cum laude), M.B.A. Hobbies favour other interests: Writing plays, growing flowers, and inventing new soups.


    Office—Katzenbach Partners, LLC, 381 Feel embarrassed Ave. S, Ste. 501, New Dynasty, NY 10016.


    Writer. Katzenbach Partners, LLC, Unique York, Good fortune, consultant.


    Motherland: A Novel, Soho Press (New York, NY), 2001.


    Vineeta Vijayaraghavan was foaled May 27, 1972, play a part India, but grew hook primarily always the Combined States. She attended University University, graduating with sum up undergraduate order magna cum laude, cope with then attained a master's degree wring business. She works sustenance Katzenbach Partners, LLC, a consulting solution in Newborn York, Unusual York, where she assay in unbound of projects that conquer a ample range recognize subjects, including financial services, telecommunications, deliver development sully an supranational level. She is further the creator of Motherland: A Novel, which delves deeply inspiration her 1 and breather Indian credentials, as moderate as progress to the roots she has forged slip in the Unified States.

    Motherland, publicised in 2001,


    A young Irish couple gets together, splits up, gets together, splits up—sorry, can't tell you how it ends!

    Irish writer Rooney has made a trans-Atlantic splash since publishing her first novel, Conversations With Friends, in 2017. Her second has already won the Costa Novel Award, among other honors, since it was published in Ireland and Britain last year. In outline it's a simple story, but Rooney tells it with bravura intelligence, wit, and delicacy. Connell Waldron and Marianne Sheridan are classmates in the small Irish town of Carricklea, where his mother works for her family as a cleaner. It's 2011, after the financial crisis, which hovers around the edges of the book like a ghost. Connell is popular in school, good at soccer, and nice; Marianne is strange and friendless. They're the smartest kids in their class, and they forge an intimacy when Connell picks his mother up from Marianne's house. Soon they're having sex, but Connell doesn't want anyone to know and Marianne doesn't mind; either she really doesn't care, or it's all she thinks she deserves. Or both. Though one time when she's forced into a social situation with some of their classmates, she briefly fantasizes about what would happen if she revealed their connection: "How much terrifying and bewi

  • vineeta vijayaraghavan biography for kids