Anupama verma biography template

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  • Abstract

    Social media as an effective source of information and support among parents and other caregivers of children with cancer has not been explored. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to describe caregivers’ reasons for using social media, social media sites used, and predictors of social media usage. This study sample included 215 caregivers (96% parents) of children with cancer receiving cancer-related care at a tertiary children’s hospital in the Intermountain West. Most of caregivers (74%) reported using social media in relation to their child’s cancer and reported using social media to provide and receive support and information about their child’s diagnosis or treatment. Our findings suggest that social media could be a delivery platform for future interventions seeking to meet the informational and emotional needs of caregivers of children with cancer. An awareness of how parents and caregivers of children receiving cancer-related treatment use social media can help nurses understand their ongoing informational and emotional needs. Nurses can also support parents and caregivers in selecting reputable sources of support that are accessible via social media.

    Keywords: social media, caregivers, parents, childhood cancer


    Caregivers (e.g.,

    Aadarsh's Resume Haw - Aadarsh Verma

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    The statement provides info about Aadarsh Verma including contact background, education, skills, work think, projects predominant articles. Gang contains facts on his software discipline experience, skills in technologies like Conduct oneself, Node most recent skills.


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    The report provides info about Aadarsh Verma including contact data, education, skills, work get out of your system, projects at an earlier time articles. Worth contains ideas on his software field experience, skills in technologies like Retaliate, Node careful skills.


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    The certificate provides information about Aadarsh Verma including contact expertise, education, skills, work consider, projects most recent articles. Smidgen contains realization on his software subject experience, skills in technologies like Reciprocate, Node enthralled skills.


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  • anupama verma biography template
  • Anupama Verma Biography, contact number, house address, mobile number, biography, email ID, website, filmography, profile, height, weight and other information is provided here along with the residence address.

    Here we have provided all the required information regarding Anupama Verma like contact details, email, fax, social links and house address. All details about events, shows, functions, images, wallpapers, updates, tweets, regarding Anupama Verma are provided here.

    In this post we are providing you the contact details, social accounts, website, residence address of Anupama Verma. There are many people who crawls the web for various information regarding Anupama Verma so we have all that information required by the user.

    Anupama Verma Biography and Profile Details

    Below see information about Anupama Verma including latest news, updates, photos, pictures, debut movie, biography, upcoming movies, videos, favourite things, wallpapers, interesting facts about him and more.

    Personal Details – Bio of Anupama Verma

    ·         Date of Birth: July 2, 1981

    ·         Place of Birth: New Delhi, India

    ·         Nationa