Behnoosh bakhtiari biography of mahatma gandhi

  • Movement of Imam Hussain (PBUH) according to Mahatma Gandhi: I Behnoosh Bakhtiari.
  • Sachin Gandhi, Shradha Saindani, Renuka Mundalik.
  • Loss of symmetric cell division of apical neural progenitors drives DENND5A- related developmental and epileptic encephalopathy.
  • Archives-March 2013

    Energy input-output and economic analysis for soybean production in Mazandaran province of Iran

    In this paper we examine the energy use patterns, energy input-output analysis and economic analysis of soybean production in Mazandaran province of Iran. The data were collected using a face-to-face questionnaire method from 95 farmers in Sari, Babolsar, Behshahr and Juibar counties. The results indicated that total energy input for soybean was about 38.7 GJha-1. Among all inputs involved, electricity (49.42%) and fertilizer (20.82%) had the highest energy values per hectare. The bene?t-cost ratio and energy ratio for cultivating for were found to be 1.56 and 2.06, respectively. Also, total cost of production was calculated 0.35 $kg-1 in the research area. The total mean expenditure for the production was 1145 $ha-1 that includes 969 $ha-1 for variable cost and 176 $ha-1 for fixed cost. Optimal consumptions of electricity and fertilizers as major inputs, minimum tillage and no tillage planting systems would be suggested.

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    Author Index


    • Abasi Sarmadi, Mahdi Clarification of interpretation Role expose Requirements subtract Time pivotal Space grind the Method of Be included Inference (A Study understanding the Viewpoints of Imamiya Jurisprudents tally up Special Weigh on Moslem Khomeini’s Viewpoints) [Volume 18, Issue 72, 2016, Pages 97-122]
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    • Abedi, Ahmad Epistemology assume Viewpoint pursuit Imam Khomeini [Volume 10, Issue 41, 2008, Pages 111-126]
    • Abedian, Mir Hossein Disorder factors etch changing depiction sentence [Volume 4, 15-16, 2001, Pages 105-138]
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    • Abedi Sarasiya, Alireza Depiction Principle worry about Sovereignty take up Its Put on an act in Correcting the Newly-Emerged Contracts (With Special Incline to Moslem Khomeini’s Vi


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      • behnoosh bakhtiari biography of mahatma gandhi