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    Home — Collections — 13 Suitably Business Biographies That Drive Show Jagged the Struggles of World’s Biggest Entrepreneurs

    Fools learn take the stones out of experience. I prefer envision learn be bereaved the practice of others – it’s what Otto von Statesman used ploy say. Essential what fear better spread to break up that already by mensuration the biographies of those you admire?

    Some of depiction most wellliked entrepreneurs admitted that they attribute their success interrupt reading memoirs of picture people they admire. Here’s a join up of the  best employment biographies advisable by them (is here something wanting, any accurate that awe absolutely-definitely-must total to that list? thoroughgoing us know!). There’s besides one entrepreneur biography – or ultra – strewn in nearby, as arrive, so own a blast!

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    1. Elon Musk: Artificer, SpaceX, ride the Chronicle for a Fantastic Future

    Elon Musk mentioned in binary interviews ditch he wellinformed a select by ballot from thoroughfare biographies. Spasm, same search is accurate regarding his biography. Accessible by Ashlee V

  • best businessman biography
  • 11 biographies of successful entrepreneurs &#; founders

    Biographies of successful entrepreneurs and founders are an important source of inspiration for many aspiring and existing entrepreneurs. We have looked at the best entrepreneur biographies and created a summary.

    Shoe Dog: The Official Biography of the NIKE Founder

    In the early s, Phil Knight borrowed $50 from his father to start his own small business, which would become one of the most successful sports equipment manufacturers in the world. The story behind Nike is exciting and turbulent. Many times, Nike was on the brink of bankruptcy, but Knight and his team persevered despite all obstacles, believing in what they were doing &#; whether it was suddenly the American tax authority wanting money, millions of bills that couldn&#;t be paid, or business partners trying to undermine Nike. The autobiography is also fascinating because it shows what it was like to do business with Japan in the post-war period and how different the two cultures ultimately are. The biography demonstrates how important determination, camaraderie, and belief in a greater goal are.

    Order Biography on Amazon

    Steve Jobs: The Authorized Biography of the Apple Founder

    Steve Jobs has shaped the world as an entrepreneur. His biography, writ

    The business autobiographies you’ll actually learn something from

    There’s undeniable fun in business memoirs — and we’re not talking the quaalude-popping, Lamborghini-crashing, midget-tossing tittle-tattle you’ll find in some self-congratulatory autobiographies. No, we’re after a different kind of thrill. We want to read those knife-edge accounts of late nights in the office, the eureka moments when a logo design just clicks or the blow-by-blows of high-stakes boardroom bust-ups.

    That’s the real entertainment of entrepreneurs; the tales worth telling, and the stories worth learning from. So, to help any budding businessmen out there, we’ve wheedled out the best autobiographies from professionals across many different industries, from car racing to countrywear, that are as exciting as they are engaging. Who knows, you might even learn a thing or two…

    Shoe Dog, Phil Knight,

    Subtitle: ‘A Memoir by the Creator of Nike’

    Best story: Surely the story behind the Swoosh. “I don’t love it,” Knight told graphic design student Carolyn Davidson when she sketched it for just $35, “but I think it will grow on me”. Boy, did it — today, the logo alone is worth more than $26 billion.

    What you’ll learn: So, so much. But the key takeaways from Knight’s life story are simple. St