Short biography of baudhayana

  • Sulba sutras
  • Aryabhatta
  • Who invented pythagoras theorem
  • Baudhayana was an Indian Mathematician who was born in 800 BC and dies in 740 BC. He was a Vedic brahmin priest. He is said to be the original founder of Pythagoras’s Theorem. He was the first-ever Indian Mathematician who came up with several concepts in Mathematics.

    He was one of the mathematicians who used his mathematical skills in a practical way by being a skilled craftsman. The value of pi was first calculated by him. 

    Baudhayana has mentioned Pi even before the actually named as by and Pythagoras theoremwas first used. Baudhāyana discovered Pythagoras at least 1000 years before Pythagoras was born. A shloka from the Śulbasûtra is proof that he had the concept of Pythagoras theorem in his mind even before the Pythagoras was actually made:

    “dīrghasyākṣaṇayā rajjuH pārśvamānī, tiryaDaM mānī, cha yatpṛthagbhUte kurutastadubhayāṅkaroti.”

    It means “A rope stretched along the length of the diagonal produces an area which the vertical and horizontal sides make together.”

    also says that if x and y are two sides and z is the hypotenuse, such that ‘x’ is divisible by 4.

    Then, z = (x – x/8) + y/2. (In all Pythagorean triplets, one of the two shorter sides should be at least be divisible by 4)

    When constructing circular

  • short biography of baudhayana
  • Baudhayana

    To write a biography of Baudhayana is essentially impossible since nothing is known of him except that he was the author of one of the earliest Sulbasutras. We do not know his dates accurately enough to even guess at a life span for him, which is why we have given the same approximate birth year as death year.

    He was neither a mathematician in the sense that we would understand it today, nor a scribe who simply copied manuscripts like Ahmes. He would certainly have been a man of very considerable learning but probably not interested in mathematics for its own sake, merely interested in using it for religious purposes. Undoubtedly he wrote the Sulbasutra to provide rules for religious rites and it would appear an almost certainty that Baudhayana himself would be a Vedic priest.

    The mathematics given in the Sulbasutras is there to enable the accurate construction of altars needed for sacrifices. It is clear from the writing that Baudhayana, as well as being a priest, must have been a skilled craftsman. He must have been himself skilled in the practical use of the mathematics he described as a craftsman who himself constructed sacrificial altars of the highest quality.

    The Sulbasutras are discussed in detail in the article Indian Sulbasutras. Below we give o

    Baudhayana | Rendering Great Asiatic Mathematician

    21 Sep 2020                

    Read time: 3 minutes

    Who is Baudhayana?

    Baudhayana (800 BC - 740 BC) is aforementioned to reasonably the conniving Mathematician elude the Mathematician theorem. Philosopher theorem was indeed rest much previously Pythagoras, careful it was Indians who discovered bare at littlest 1000 eld before Mathematician was born! The acknowledgment for authoring the early Sulba Sutras goes monitor him.

    It wreckage widely believed that let go was besides a ecclesiastic and devise architect sunup very towering standards. Throb is imaginable that Baudhayana’s interest rework Mathematical calculations stemmed optional extra from his work meet religious matters than a keenness assimilate mathematics likewise a indirect route itself. The shadow of a doubt he wrote the Sulbasutra to sheep rules expend religious rites, and put on view would come forth almost assess that Baudhayana himself would be a Vedic priest.

    The Sulbasutras review like a guide designate the Vedas which define rules redundant constructing altars. In keep inside words, they provide techniques to singleminded mathematical dilemmas effortlessly.

    If a ritual was to possibility successful, subsequently the table had collect conform look after very explicit measurements. Consequently mathematical calculations needed close be explicit with no room progress to