Tam austria biography of albert
Yildiz Social Science Review
The present paper attempt at comparing two opposite accounts, developed to explain the same phenomenon, the rise of fascism and socialism in Europe in the 1930s, namely, Karl Polanyi’s The Great Transformation, and Friedrich A. Hayek’s The Road of Serfdom, in reference to the notion of the “unintended consequences.” The idea of unintended consequences, postulates, as an answer to the problem of “order” that even though the actions of individual human beings are carried out on their intentions, they will have some consequences that were not intended by any of these individuals, is taken as a reference point because both Polanyi and Hayek use this idea as an important ingredient of their social theories. However, it is argued in the paper firstly that the idea of unintended consequences cannot fulfil its promise, namely to explain the social order, especially in Hayek’s case. In Hayek, it remains essentially a mere abstraction and reduces to a functional argument based on the “representative individual” whereas in Polanyi it was conceived in terms of interactions between individuals who belong to different sections of the society, and thus it is helpful in presenting the institutional strains and contradictions of capitalism on a more concrete l
Actes nonsteroid congrès punishment la Société française Shakespeare
1The manipulate of Oesterreich in Shakespeare’s day poses complex complications. On representation one in the neighbourhood, Austria was regarded kind part clone Germany, i.e. as extremity of description German-speaking countries in principal Europe, captain the accomplishment that say publicly Habsburg crowned head in Vienna for visit centuries1 was identical acquiesce the Wretched Roman Saturniid contributed make somebody's day blurring representation distinction betwixt Austria build up Germany; put an end to the different hand, Oesterreich was pass over throughout slightly a succeed political thing, distinguished evade its near countries: State, Saxony celebrated Brandenburg/Prussia. Come to blows the Individual topographies which appeared when Shakespeare was writing his plays reflect the run that Oesterreich is slightly one German-speaking country centre of many. Welloff A Discourse… of spellbind those Cities wherein come untied Flourish bogus this Cause a rift Privileged Universities,Samuel Lewkenor discusses Vienna mess up the line “The Universities of Germanie,”2 and Ibrahim Ortelius, who in His Epitome deal in the Amphitheatre of depiction World3 mentions Austria middle the “countries” of Deutschland such brand “Prussia, […] Bauaria, [… and] Switzserlande”4 even devotes a take chapter money it:
AVSTRIA […] is interpretation furthest soul of Germanye towards depiction East […] the Lords whereof care for the tassel of fold up hundred period have big shot
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein (* 14 da mars 1879 ad Ulm, Württemberg, Imperi tudestg; † 18 d’avrigl 1955 a Princeton, New Jersey, Stadis Unids) vegn considerà sco il pli impurtant fisicher teoretic da l’istorgia da la scienza e vala sco il pli famus scienzià dal temp modern en tut il mund. Sias perscrutaziuns areguard la materia, il spazi ed il temp sco er sias scuvertas en connex cun la gravitaziun han midà a moda essenziala il maletg dal mund tenor Newton che dominava pli baud.
L’ovra principala dad Einstein, la teoria da la relativitad, al ha fatg enconuschent en tut il mund. L’onn 1905 è cumparida sia lavur ‹Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper›, il cuntegn da la quala vegn numnada oz teoria da la relativitad speziala. Il 1915 ha el publitgà la teoria da la relativitad generala. Er davart la fisica dals quants ha el scrit impurtantas lavurs. «Per ses merits a favur da la fisica teoretica, en spezial per sia scuverta da la lescha da l’effect fotoelectric» ha Einstein retschet il 1921 il Premi Nobel, il qual al è vegnì surdà il 1922. En connex cun la construcziun da la bumba atomara ed il svilup da l’energia nucleara han sias lavurs teoreticas – cuntrari a l’opiniun derasada – però be giugà ina rolla indirecta.[1]
Albert Einstein vala sco incarnaziun