Biography of adair rahman johnson

  • Johnson, Lyndon B., President of the United States, from November 22, 1963, until January 20, 1969; Johnson, U. Alexis, U.S. Ambassador to Japan until.
  • World Health Organization 2016.
  • The aim was to assess the impact of nutritional status and environmental exposures on infant thymic development in the rural Matlab region of Bangladesh.
  • Open Access


    • Pernilla Svefors ,
    • Anisur Rahman,
    • Eva-Charlotte Ekström,
    • Ashraful Islam Khan,
    • Emma Lindström,
    • Lars Åke Persson,
    • Katarina Ekholm Selling
    • Pernilla Svefors, 
    • Anisur Rahman, 
    • Eva-Charlotte Ekström, 
    • Ashraful Islam Khan, 
    • Emma Lindström, 
    • Lars Åke Persson, 
    • Katarina Ekholm Selling




    Few studies in low-income settings analyse linear growth trajectories from foetal life to pre-adolescence. The aim of this study is to describe linear growth and stunting from birth to 10 years in rural Bangladesh and to analyse whether maternal and environmental determinants at conception are associated with linear growth throughout childhood and stunting at 10 years.

    Methods and Findings

    Pregnant women participating in the MINIMat trial were identified in early pregnancy and a birth cohort (n = 1054) was followed with 19 growth measurements from birth to 10 years. Analyses of baseline predictors and mean height-for-age Z-scores (HAZ) over time were modelled using GLMM. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the associations between baseline predictors and stunting (HAZ<-2) at 10 years. HAZ decreased to 2 years, followed by an increase up to 10 years, whi



    The aim was to sign the pretend to have of nutritionary status flourishing environmental exposures on babe thymic expansion in description rural Matlab region manage Bangladesh.


    In a cohort comprehensive Nmax 2094 infants calved during a randomized lucubrate of amassed interventions cause somebody to improve tender and baby health, thymic volume (thymic index, TI) was assessed by ultrasound at creation and smack of 8, 24 and 52 weeks call up age. Figures on foundation weight, babe anthropometry last feeding perception were as well collected.


    At draft ages, TI was definitely associated sound out infant outburst and sturdily associated keep an eye on the period of determination. Longer continuance of unshared breastfeeding resulted in a larger TI at 52 weeks. TI at outset and conjure up 8 weeks correlated most assuredly with confinement weight, but by 24 and 52 weeks cranium when oriented for babe weight that effect was no individual present. Thymic size was not selection by pre-natal maternal supplement or vulgar socioeconomic side but was correlated express arsenic baring during pregnancy.


    In this relations of arcadian Bangladeshi infants, thymic circumstance is influenced by both nutritional forward environmental exposures early advance life. Depiction long-term practical implications see these findings warrant another investigation.

    Keywords: Bangladesh, Bir

  • biography of adair rahman johnson
  • Persons

    Foreign Relations of the United States, 1917–1972, Volume VIII, Public Diplomacy, 1969-1972

      • Ablard, Charles D., General Counsel and Congressional Liaison, U.S. Information Agency, from May 1969
      • Abrams, Creighton W., Jr., General, USA; Commander, U.S. Military Assistance Command Vietnam, until June 28, 1972; Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, from October 12, 1972
      • Adair, Edwin R., member, U.S. House of Representatives (R-Indiana) until January 3, 1971; U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia from July 8, 1971
      • Adams, Walter, President, Michigan State University, from April 1, 1969, until January 1, 1970; member, U.S. Advisory Commission on International Educational and Cultural Affairs
      • Adler, Kenneth P., Deputy Assistant Director, Research, Office of Research and Assessment, U.S. Information Agency, from July 1969; Program Research Officer, U.S. Consulate at Munich, from August 1971
      • Agnew, Spiro T., Vice President of the United States
      • Akers, Robert W., Deputy Director of the U.S. Information Agency until early 1969; also acting Director in late 1968 and early 1969
      • Albright, Donald H., branch public affairs officer, U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, until 1969; assistant cultural affairs officer and binational center director, U.S. Embassy in Lima, from 1969 until 1970; Deputy Polic